What others are saying... (continued) | |
"The companies that make R&D decisions in an innovative
market-strategic way, sensitive to market opportunities and
competitive threats as well as to their own strengths,...
will get the most competitive improvement, the most real value for
their R&D expenditures."
Gary Phippard, (ASH Technology Marketing, CEO) speaking at an international R&D Conference, 1988 | |
"Quality to the customer means a quality experience every time he touches the company, both directly through marketing and sales contacts and indirectly through using the company's products and services ... Nothing is more deadly than trying to compete ... with second-class products ... or second-class marketing." Bill Breen, President, Simware, early 1990s | |
"Companies must research to understand who their customer is. The message will be different to each target group, and the channels to reach them will be different." Jackirae Sagouspe, Partner, International Development Technologies, Anaheim CA, as quoted in The Orange County Register and Southam News, August 9, 1997 | |
"High-technology manufacturers suffer from 'customer phobia' and trail behind other sectors when it comes to developing strategies to market and sell their products. A study by Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group shows that consumer satisfaction... has declined steadily during the past five years despite a steady increase in product quality. Nowhere is this more evident than in the high-tech industry, according to the report, which is based on surveys of almost 900 manufacturing executives in 35 countries. Emphasis is around the product, how to get it to market quickly, not on listening to what the customer wants... the study shows that high-tech manufacturers in North America... remain largely technology-centered, inclined 'to build it and hope they will come', while keeping customers at a safe distance... The study concludes that the high-tech industry has a long way to go before it can be called 'customer-centric'." Micheal Lewis: "Customers ignored in high-tech decisions", Ottawa Citizen, March 17, 1998 |
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