What others are saying... (continued)

Tactical Strategic marketing & Niche Marketing "In this increasing global marketplace, young hi-tech companies often mistakenly equate global product launch with broad global marketing. Yet a trillion drops of rain falling on a single farmer's field will moisten the soil, nourish the crop and yield a bountiful harvest, whereas that same trillion drops of rain, evenly distributed over 8,000 square kilometers amounts to just one drop per square meter. An absolute waste of all that water... it will achieve nothing.

"Look critically at your marketing budget. Then choose, from the whole global marketplace, the regions or market sectors which are likely to be the most fertile for you. Concentrate your marketing resources there. But don't choose more territory than you have the resources to nourish... and to harvest."

Gary Phippard, CEO, ASH Technology Marketing, guest lecture, 1998

"I believe that smart ideas triumph over adversity and that a well thought out strategy, pursued with vigor and honesty, will prevail in the marketplace. Well, most of the time."

Madison Avenue (NY) "marketing guru" Bob McMath, May 29th, 1998, as reported by Michael Kane ("Fame and fizzles"), Southam News, Vancouver

"Marketing is a game played on the field of perception... All initiatives must get results fast, as well as build image and currency for the future. No company can afford to separate the strategic from the tactical... Marketers increasingly do not use research as a separate stimulus. Instead, the marketing is the research and the research is the marketing..."

John Dalla Costa, Marketing Magazine, 1995

"Our Board of Directors are delighted with the repositioning strategy... our imaginative new slogans... new exhibit has given us a real presence... the new brochures are generating unprecedented positive response from the Board, our staff and our customers."

Unsolicited letter from a client (VP, Marketing), 1992

Faster than a speeding global marketplace

"(High technology sector) Entrepreneurs looking to increase profits or develop turnaround strategies, must locate and evaluate key opportunities, products and services, and evaluate their own and their competitors' strengths and weaknesses."

Max Performance Group, British Columbia, 1990

"The more you change, the more you must continue to change. You cannot get off the train... You must accept the rules, and accept the fact that the rules themselves will change. Rapid change is here to stay... But the alternative is to be left behind at the station."

President, Sun Microsystems, early 1990's

"Clients faced with profound changes in their businesses are looking for a thorough top-to-bottom re-think of what they do now and how they do it. Marketers who thought they were marketing-driven organizations are discovering that maybe they're not. They need help. And they're not instinctively turning to traditional ad agencies for that help. In response, he and his associates are working to position themselves as providers of strategic marketing and organizations advice that goes beyond mere ads and marketing programs: 'What we are a creating is an internal company that will work with our clients to come up with a whole new way of positioning their company, of structuring it to run better... It's blending the best of what business consultants do with the best of what advertising agencies do, and bringing them both together in a different discipline.' "

editorial in Marketing Magazine, April 1997, commenting on the move by one of Vancouver's leading ad agencies to attempt to adopt ASH Technology Marketing's business model.

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