What others are saying... (continued)

Entrepreneurialism, Leverage, and the Virtual Corporation "Many businesses need trucks but they don't go out and buy a trucking company... Yet they persist in buying full-time employees when they are not in the employment business either."

Lou Duggan, head of Armor Personnel, on why many companies should retain only a small core of full-time employees, outsourcing the rest to specialists. From the Globe and Mail, August 13, 1996.

"If you are lucky enough to find some young people with that special energy and daring which leads them into business for themselves, you will benefit from having that incalculably valuable quality serving you. It is easy to be beguiled by acres of desks, departments and other big agency appearances. What counts is the real motive power of the agency, the creative potency."

David Ogilvy, founder, Ogilvy & Mather, Toronto, 1998

"Push entrepreneurialism down as many levels as you can. A lean, mean, entrepreneurial organization which is in and of itself a network of specialized, smaller, independently entrepreneurial units, is exponentially entrepreneurial -- exponentially responsive, energetic and creative."

Tom Peters, 1998

"... The only organization I've found in my coast-to-coast research that embodies tomorrow's enhanced business models in both its customer relationships and its internal structure and staff relationships.

Gilles Robert, President, Adams Research Group, describing ASH Technology Marketing, 1997.

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