What others are saying... (continued) | |
"They're up to speed faster... empowered to generate ideas... to
participate in the power of creative thought, which can lead to
innovative solutions. Organizations such as Ernst &Young and
ASH Technology Marketing achieve higher levels of performance
because they've created an environment that makes use of their
collective knowledge.
The capacity to mine ideas for improvement and innovation from
each and every incremental experience is a critical component of
resource leverage."
Gilles M. Robert, "Maximum Effect: Leading your Organization to Optimum Performance in the New Economy", copyright 1999, ISBN 0-9685212-0-7, page 155. | |
"The product logo design is brilliant!!! ... extremely quick and strategic in your thinking... I'd also like to congratulate your team on your grasp of our product, its functionality, positioning, and audiences... The results of our strategic meetings together are excellent! We've defined a product that is much more sensible... Your team's expertise and contacts are appreciated... It's clear that ASH will provide a cost-effective means of delivering all our marketing materials... Teamwork works!" Unsolicited letter from the Director of Marketing of an ASH Technology Marketing client, 1996 | |
"Obviously, hierarchical structures and formal job descriptions will not cut it in such a flexible environment. Structures and relationships must be much more flexible and embracing, with teams of specialists who can solve a given problem and then disband into the electronic ether. Such virtual companies are already active in other sectors. Now with Imagination in the U.K. and Tribu in Montreal, [and ASH Technology Marketing in Ottawa], such amorphous, interdisciplinary team companies are gaining a presence in the advertising community." John Dalla Costa, Marketing Magazine, 1996 | |
"These days, agencies must offer clients a variety of communications options, choose the one that makes the most sense, and be able to execute it." John Clinton, Chairman, J. Walter Thompson Canada, 1995 |
[Building better partnerships] ~ [Instant credibility] ~ [Teamwork] ~ [Marketing is critical] ~ [Getting outside expert help] ~ [Leverage & the virtual corporation] ~ [Tactical strategic marketing] ~ [Niche marketing] ~ [Budgeting considerations] ~ [Integrated marketing communications] ~ [Listen to your market] ~ [Mentoring] ~ [Creativity & innovation]
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Copyright ASH Technology Marketing, 1997, 1999.
"ASH Technology Marketing" and "Marketing Wizards" are trademarks of
Phippard & Associates Strategic & Technological Consulting, Inc.