What others are saying...... An eclectic collection of quotes from hi-tech industry leaders, business and marketing gurus, economic and industry development officials, politicians,... and some testimonials from past and present client "partners" and colleagues.The quotes are presented as a series of web pages. Each page focuses on a specific topic or theme. We'll "spotlight" different themes from time to time, but there'll always be several themes published for your browsing... something for everyone. | |
Our objective here is to stimulate some thoughtful introspection in the minds of our visitors... Our own philosophies and relationship models are considered by many to be rather innovative, unique,... perhaps even heretical in some minds... but we are not alone in our belief that marketing -- good, integrated, strategic marketing -- is important; that outsourcing to reliable experts is the way of the future; and that adversarial, exploitive business relationships are obsolete. We'd also like to stimulate some resolve, in the minds of our visitors... resolve to actively "buy in" to these better ways of doing marketing, and of doing business, even if that "buy in" doesn't include ASH Technology Marketing. |
Some of the quotes have been abbreviated, but we have strived to maintain context in each case. In some cases we have highlighted (either with bold italics and/or with color) some portion of the quote that we feel to be particularly relevant.... Generally this highlighting is our own addition and was not inherent to the quote as originally encountered. Where dollar amounts are quoted, they have been converted to Canadian dollar equivalents for consistency. American visitors should remember to reduce these amounts by approximately one-third, to convert to U.S. dollars. In many cases, the speech, article or other document which contained the selected quote is available from us, in its entirety. Simply contact us. |
We'll add to this collection as relevant words of wisdom cross our desks, so visit us again another time to see what's new here. And please feel free to suggest additions to this collection, either items of your own composition, or pronouncements from others which you feel may be appropriate. We're always glad to share thoughts and philosophies with interested others... |
[Building better partnerships] ~ [Instant credibility] ~ [Teamwork] ~ [Marketing is critical] ~ [Getting outside expert help] ~ [Leverage & the virtual corporation] ~ [Tactical strategic marketing] ~ [Niche marketing] ~ [Budgeting considerations] ~ [Integrated marketing communications] ~ [Listen to your market] ~ [Mentoring] ~ [Creativity & innovation]
Oldies! Famous executives underestimate the potential of new technologies.
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Copyright ASH Technology Marketing, 1997, 1999.
"ASH Technology Marketing" and "Marketing Wizards" are trademarks of
Phippard & Associates Strategic & Technological Consulting, Inc.