Uniquely Consultative, Uniquely Impartial

Testimonial 4 Our fundamental business is Strategic Marketing Consulting. All of our goods and services, (including printed materials, advertising, promotional speciality items, artwork, signage, exhibits and displays) are delivered within an impartial, advisory framework.

If in our judgment none of our regular associates or suppliers are appropriate to your requirements, we will source from external suppliers rather than compromise your results.

Our associates are aware of this posture and they support it as the best policy for long-term business success.

Your benefits are tangible:

--- Greater confidence your interests are protected.

--- Less "supplier management" and QA burden for you, hence more time for strategy, synergy and teamwork.

--- Significant savings in provincial sales tax. (Our "consulting" business posture means deliverables are technically considered as incidental to the expertise provided. This makes most of our work PST-exempt!)

--- Better copyright ownership rights on our creative outputs. (You'll receive unlimited intellectual property rights to most of the unique deliverables we produce for you. By contrast, many other agencies retain ownership rights, licensing you to use your deliverables for a particular purpose only!)

Testimonial 5

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[We're Different!] [Strategic Marketing Team Mates] [Uniquely Strategic, Uniquely Full-service] [Exploiting Windows of Opportunity] [Part of Your Team, not Your Overhead] [Virtual Corporation] [Consultative & Impartial] [Built on Client Satisfaction]

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Copyright ASH Technology Marketing, 1997, 1999.

"ASH Technology Marketing" and "Marketing Wizards" are trademarks of

Phippard & Associates Strategic & Technological Consulting, Inc.