Our "Virtual Corporate Network"...

Your "Virtual Marketing Department"!

Testimonial 3 ASH Technology Marketing is a multi-layered "virtual corporate network".

The "virtual corporation" has been heralded by international business gurus including Tom Peters, Peter Drucker, Michael Hammer, Stan Davis, and Bill Davidson as the organizational structure for success in the 21st century. It brings highly motivated entrepreneurs together into dynamic, fluid, responsive, project-focused delivery teams, to achieve superior productivity and results.

Our corporate team is composed of salaried employees, professional associates and affiliates, alliance partners and selected wholesale suppliers. In this way we can deliver "on demand" the best skills to meet your specific needs, rather than being constrained to deliver through a smaller team of dedicated full-time staff whose skills would not typically fit the assignment nearly as well. We can provide superior talent, innovation, synergy, enthusiasm and cost-effectiveness, all without any overheads for you, without "locking you in". And we can get you to your markets quicker, with effective, innovative, strategically accurate marketing programs and communications, because our team is fully established, ramped-up, ready to get to work for you today.

Our primary associates and teaming partners are contractually committed to us, with special provisions to maximize continuity, assure confidentiality and eliminate conflict of interests.

Operationally, all members of our team function as employees. ASH Technology Marketing takes responsibility for all professional services provided by our entire team.

Here's a book you should read...

We are, as far as we know, the most established, most highly developed and most successful virtual corporation, in our business sector, in Canada.

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[We're Different!] [Strategic Marketing Team Mates] [Uniquely Strategic, Uniquely Full-service] [Exploiting Windows of Opportunity] [Part of Your Team, not Your Overhead] [Virtual Corporation] [Consultative & Impartial] [Built on Client Satisfaction]

Some of the other information on this site:

[ASH Technology Marketing Welcome Page]

[The Quick Picture] [The Detailed Picture] [Summary of our Services]

[What Others Say About Us] [Clients & Projects]

[Methods & Techniques] [Team Member Profiles]

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Copyright ASH Technology Marketing, 1997, 1999.

"ASH Technology Marketing" and "Marketing Wizards" are trademarks of

Phippard & Associates Strategic & Technological Consulting, Inc.