~ our corporate profile ~

The Power of Strategic Synergy...

The Strength of a Complete, Versatile High-tech Marketing Team.

Ten keywords: (Values)

ASH Technology Marketing is...

--- a strategic marketing consultancy,

--- an accredited advertising agency,

--- a tactical media/investor/public relations firm,

--- a promotions and exhibits specialist,

and much more, all in one integrated, responsive unit, and all specializing in the high technology sector!

We're Different

Today, the advertising, public relations and marketing consulting business is characterized by too many suppliers each having a vested interest in their subset of the available marketing tools and techniques. There's a focus on selling and controlling, rather than objectively advising and helping the client.
The industry is changing... We think there's a better way.

Our business model positions us as partners with our clients. We focus on each client's unique needs, and we are able to impartially employ a diverse toolkit of strategies and vehicles to meet those needs.

Common sense tells us it's the way of the future...

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[We're Different!] [Strategic Marketing Team Mates] [Uniquely Strategic, Uniquely Full-service] [Exploiting Windows of Opportunity] [Part of Your Team, not Your Overhead] [Virtual Corporation] [Consultative & Impartial] [Built on Client Satisfaction]

Some of the other information on this site:

[ASH Technology Marketing Welcome Page]

[The Quick Picture] [The Detailed Picture] [Summary of our Services]

[What Others Say About Us] [Clients & Projects]

[Methods & Techniques] [Team Member Profiles]

[Let's Not Over-analyze...] [Other Websites] [Contact Us!]

Copyright ASH Technology Marketing, 1997, 1999.

"ASH Technology Marketing" and "Marketing Wizards" are trademarks of

Phippard & Associates Strategic & Technological Consulting, Inc.